Sunday, January 27, 2008

2nd Book Club

This week we made Hummus!!! The kids did not enjoy it as much as the guac. last week. I would say about 30% really liked it. We changed our set up a little. I found extra chairs so that we could all sit at the tables. It was easier than last time - but some of the students seemed to be a little chatty this week.

Our new vocabulary words were MSG's, hydrgenated, and legume. We discussed what each word means. It was exciteing to see that the students new what trans fats were - I think they found it interesting what hydrogenated oils do to your body. We talked about how after you eat fast food (or anything that has been hydrogenated) you are hungry shortly after you eat - then you want to eat more. The students found it interesting that this is the plan so the company can make more of a profit if you are hungry shortly after you eat.

Chew on This talked about how Ray Kroc (the man who bought McDonalds from the McDonalds brothers) bought the company and was not the most ethical man. He was interested in getting children hooked on the food so they would continue to buy it the rest of their lives (cradle to grave). There are a lot of comparisons between Kroc and Disney. They both new each other and modeled their business after extreme order, cleanliness, and sameness. Kroc wanted every McDonalds to look, feel and taste the same.

I think the kids are really surprised how large comanys market towards children and do not care about anything but the profit. This is extremely sad that our world has come to a place that does not put a value on our society and helping the greater good, but instead greed has taken over. My hope is that we are in a place that enough people can open their eyes and we will start to make a change. The kids are our hope!!! Next week pumpkin soup!


Jill Althouse-Wood said...

I did not know that about hydrogenated fats. We don't have much of that in our diet, but it is worth considering.

Anonymous said...

Pumpkin soup... yummmm! Sounds like the kids are really enjoying this! Impressive vocab words.
Mary Jane