Thursday, February 7, 2008

3rd Book Club

This week pumkin soup!!! The kids loved it - I was so excited. It had pumpkin, apples, onions, ginger, broth, cinnamon and nutmeg and we put sour cream on the top. Yum yum.

The vocab words this week were squash (dickenson, acorn, african winter, kabocha, and butternut) and Dextrose. We discussed that anything ending in -ose is a processed sugar. We talked about bad sweetners (splenda, white sugar, aspertame, corn syrup (cheapest sweetner - in soda) ) We also discussed what a better sweetner is (honey, real maple syrup, agave nectar, raw sugar) and why those are not nearly as bad for your body - they are in a pretty natural state - not processed. You still do not want to consume to much of them. I was excited to hear that some of the kids knew what aspertame and was and one girl said that her mom told her if it rhymes with gross it is not good for you.

Chew on This was discussing students working at McDonald's, how unfair their policies are, how they treat their employees, how they market towards children, and how the toys make more than all books and magazines combined make. The studetns were pretty upset at some of the things that the book was discussing. It is very exciting to me that the children are critically thinking and are questioning what is going on. They were asking great thoughtfull questions. They club is exhausing by the time I am done - but the students give me hope and get me fired up!!!

Next week falafel!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited about the thought of these kids making wise choices based on good factual info! Not just "following the herd."
Mary Jane